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Old 14-05-2003, 12:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Where to buy Calcium Carbonate?

"Lee Brouillet" wrote in message
Calcium Carbonate in its purest form is dolomite lime: try an agricultural
supply place. (it's a shame: I have a 50 lb. bag in the garage I never
used!). Another source of Calcium Carbonate is crushed oyster shell (many
people put a couple hundred lbs. of it in their filters to help maintain
KH). Now, I never used the dolomite lime because I found that regular ol'
Arm n' Hammer baking soda (or its generic equivalent) worked easier and

more dependable. I use it to maintain KH, which buffers my pH.

Gypsum will also help precipitate stuff in suspension. You'll find it in

same place you find the dolomite lime.

What is your KH? Maybe baking soda will do what you want.

I have not done any water tests yet. Currently the pond has plants, and a
half dozen feeder "test" minnows. My big problem is suspended clay in the
water. It's clean, it's just orange. The research I have done so far tells
me that Calcium Carbonate (Calcite) and Alum will both act a floculants and
clear my water right up. The Alum is described as having a negative effect
on pH, so I was hoping to avoid it. I'll use that if there is an easy way to
get my pH back to normal.

Anyway, to answer your question...I am trying to clear clay from my water.