Casoron vs. Horsetail -- Your Advice?
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13-05-2003, 08:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Casoron vs. Horsetail -- Your Advice?
(Marley1372) wrote in message ...
The reason that casoron is not working on your horsetail is that casoron is a
PRE EMERGENT! It wont really have much effect on anything that is already
established. Casoron is a restricted use herbicide and isnt meant for
homeowners. Roundup would proably work better.
I appreciate your feedback. Interestingly, however, the Casoron DOES
seem to have inhibited the horsetail growth in one area to a great
degree. After trimming out the existing plants, and spraying the
area, there's been no new growth for over a week. In other areas
where I did the same thing but DIDN'T apply Casoron, the new shoots
grew up again like clockwork within 2-3 days. So I can't tell you the
science behind it all, but Casoron does seem to be making a
difference. It's the only effective weapon I've found so far.
RoundUp, on the other hand, didn't have any effect when I used it. In
fact, as I sprayed it on I swear I heard the horsetail laughing
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