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Old 13-05-2003, 05:20 AM
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Default Would you buy these transgenic plants?

Please help out a researcher studying useful applications of transgenic
plants by answering three simple questions below.

The reason behind this questionnaire is to determine whether genetically
modified household and garden plants would be accepted by gardeners. Please
reply either to the newsgroup or to me directly.

Would you purchase the following genetically modified plants? Assume that
the price of the plant was reasonable. Please specify which you would be
interested in, if any.

1. A flowering houseplant (for example a scented geranium) modified to
produce three times more aroma than regular flowers.
I would buy
I would not buy it

2. A transgenic indoor ivy that removed toxic chemicals from household air
100 times better than regular plants.
I would buy
I would not buy it

3. A genetically modified blue rose.
I would buy
I would not buy it

4. A transgenic houseplant that efficiently removed odors such as hydrogen
sulfide from the air.
I would buy
I would not buy it

Thanks for your help!


Pretty simple for me........ Don't mess with Mother Nature. We don't know the
implications of what genetically altering plants could be. See the example of
caterpillars of butterflies, genetically engineered corn cross pollinating with
"natural" corn etc.

Just my 2 cents.........