Dead, all of them, fish and tadpoles:(
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13-05-2003, 01:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Dead, all of them, fish and tadpoles:(
On 12 May 2003 23:12:03 GMT,
ESPMER (K30a) wrote:
jammer wrote I "suppose" I am going to
have to test for amonia spike....
An ammonia spike is actually any ammonia at all.
The pond water should register zero ammonia.
The problem is when you add a bunch of critters to an environment (like toads
spawning) the plants and filter can't process that much sudden ammonia all at
I would not have put the fish in the toads, no reason to. Considering that we
recommend 20 gallons per goldfish you can see where the fish would overburdened
the load the temporary pond was supposed to carry. Did you fill up the pool
with pond water? A sudden change of temperature can be a problem also.
Do you think you might have added too much food?
If you put in too much rotting plant matter it would have used oxygen while it
More details and we can track down the answer or answers.
Thanks, i was hoping you'd be around
I am assuming i need to check pond for amonia. Do i go to a pool
store or what? I don't have a clue as what to ask for. Then what do
you treat it with? I am worried about the pond eventhough there aren't
THAT many tadpoles in there, there are enough to add a few extra fish.
The fish in with the tads in the kiddie pool were babies that got
sucked out of the pond accidently when retrieving water. I didn't want
them anyway....
The pool had maybe 80% pond water and 20% dechlorinated water. As far
as food, i put some goldfish food in there but was headed to the pet
store to get floating food for them.
Every single one, brutal!!!!!
My pond. Should i do a frivolous water change? In the last week i have
already done it with using water for the pool and water for the
aquarium.....I wish i would have kept some in the aquarium now. Maybe
weekly water changes? ........
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