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Old 12-05-2003, 01:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Default black spots, Black Spots, BLACK SPOTS!!!!bbbbbblllllllaaaaacccckkkkkk ssspppOOOTTTSSSS!!!!!!

On Sun, 11 May 2003 14:53:46 GMT, Roger wrote:

Hi Jammer, I appreciate your post. Yes I searched the headers, at
least back thru Feb 03. That is all I have on my computer, and there
was no headers with Black Spots?? Is there another place I can search,
or am I doing it wrong- -I would like to read the post. Thanks.
On Sat, 10 May 2003 17:07:34 -0500, jammer j@mmer wrote:

Is it humid where you are? I have read unless you chose plants that
are resistant to fungi, humidity brings it on.

On Sat, 10 May 2003 18:52:25 GMT, Roger wrote:

Why don't someone talk about "BLACK SPOTS"? Is it like venerial
disease- - -something if you have it, you just don't talk about it????

Now that I have your attention, I would also like your help. I am
sure there is someone out there that manages their roses in a manner
that they do not have any problem with black spots.

My roses are along a fence, full sun, not crowded, yet black spots has
been a nightmare for the past several years. Last fall, I decided I
would "take the bull by the horns" and eliminate this problem. I
removed all my old mulch. Totally wet the rosebush, as well as the
ground around the plant with fungicide. In January, when we had a
warm spell, I sprayed with dormant spray and when the folage came out,
I sprayed with a fungicide. I have used at least three different
bands of fungicide.

I have 23 roses, over half of them have black spots, some to the point
of defoliating some of the canes.

QUESTION!: What is a good fungicide spray and how often do apply

Could it be that I water too often (drip about every 4 days) ?

Are there any "home remedies" that might work.

Oh, I live in the central US.

Thank you in advance, Roger