Indoor tomato advice
Michael Calwell wrote:
Question here from a Newbie. We are growing Tomatoes indoors. They
gardeners delight.
Someone mentioned that growing them indoors might be a problem as
they may need pollinated by insects. Is this true? If so, can they
manually pollinated?
Manual pollination of tomatoes is an ancient cult ritual.
It requires an artists sable haired paintbrush (if you are really
serious about it ;-) ) and a very deft wrist action.
As each truss of flowers opens (some prefer to do it at 10.00am on a
Sunday morning) pollen from plant 'A' is transferred to plant 'B',
etc., etc.
Depending on which branch of the cult you favour, there are many
subtle variations on the technique.
........ But the basic idea is pretty straight forward. ;-)