Horse Chestnut Seedlings
In article , StormCrow
Anyone got any ideas what I can do with 6 horse chestnut seedlings
that I am growing. I don't have any space in my garden for them and I
am reluctant to just throw them away.
Is there anywhere where I can donate them, I would rather they were
allowed to continue to grow somewhere.
ps also got about 8 oak seedlings just begining to stick there heads
out of the soil, so same applies to them, what can I do with them?
Get in touch with the Tree Preservation Officer in your local council, I
feel sure they will tell you what to do with them. I found our TPO very
helpful over the matter of trees on our Sports Ground we are
resurrecting and what made me think of your TPO was the fact that she
made a TPO on a Huge Horse Chestnut in one corner.
Most of our trees are coming out except a few pines and a few others. It
had crossed my mind to have one of the Oaks from you and plant it on
opening day!!! Will give it further thought when I consulted the rest of
the committee.
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