Xref: kermit rec.ponds:108464
And before you go "you dork, you should have watched it more carefully", ...
I knew he/she was damaged.
One of the "chest fins" (oh oh, there goes my reputation of actually knowing
anything about these critters) has been torn off.
Not a good picture, but it gives you an idea:
I got the fish for 30 % of the normal price, after the salesguy refused to
sell it to me. I asked him if the fin would grow back and he replied
"yeah, but probably not for the 100 %". So I still bought it, coz I liked
Now I know regeneration is quite amazing... the fish swims happily, fast,
straight, it has really nice colors etc...
Did I make a mistake, or will the fin indeed grow back more or less ?
BTW, these other ones don't seem to be damaged ;-)
Yeah, should clean my nails !