Begonia Dragon Wing
"Wishy13764" wrote in message
I made several cuttings of this plant late last summer, and all it does is
stays alive, but not a iota of growth all these months...about 8 months.
it ever or should i just discard them?
I had the same problem with dragon wings that I started from cuttings from
my own plant. They remained one long stem and only bloomed on the end of
that stem. When I tried pinching out the top to get them to branch, they sat
there as a long stem with only the green leaves left before pinching. The
original plant, which I bought as a plug started from seed, was spectacular.
It was kept on the north side of the house (zone 6) in the summer where it
received shade most of the day, loved heat, branched well, grew to a 3' x 3'
plant, and bloomed constantly. It was reputed to grow well from a cutting,
but that never worked for me or for friends who got cuttings from me. Maybe
it's a peculiarity of the plant. If you want a great plant, get one started
from seed. BTW, bugs or diseases don't bother it.