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Old 08-05-2003, 04:32 PM
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Default water table problem?

"terri" wrote in message
Hi my name is Terri.
I live in ontario and i have a problem. I wish to build a Japenese type
garden with water falls and stream to a large pond at the end of my
property. We had posts drilled 3and a half ft deep to put in a fence

where I want the pond and they were full of water by the time the guy took
the drill from the ground.
Does this mean my water table is to high?I have to much run off???
Can I put a pond here and how.I do not want a raised feature!
Thanx for your help. Terri

Terri...if you have that much water that close to the surface you will need
to build a drain system under your pond to keep the run-off from pushing the
liner up. I suggest you check out rec.ponds. Many of the porg's over there
have had and have dealt with this problem.