Electric Lawn Mowers
Thanks for your post. Unfortunately I live in NY otherwise I would be
interested in the e-mower.
Anyone else with an e-mower for sale?
"Robin" wrote in message
I used a Toro Carefree e-mower, but ended up buying a SP gas-mower because
it was too much work to push the heavy e-mower on hills. So my suggestion
is to go ahead only if you have a small even lot, or if you're not wimpy
like me. If not for that problem, the Toro was wonderful--so quiet,
absolutely no hassle. You wouldn't happen to live in Florida and be
interested in a used Toro in excellent condition, do you? : )
"solex" wrote in message
. uu.net...
I would like to get your opinions on Electric Lawn Mowers. I have
moved to a home with a small lot 5000 sq ft. and am interested in a
mower for simplicity sake. Can you make any recommendations?