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Old 06-05-2003, 03:23 AM
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Default Laguna Powerjet 1000

"Madd Hatter" wrote in message
I just installed this pump in my pond w/ the 3 tier fountain head
attachment. The pump just has the prefilter attached for now till I build my
filter box. The pump is sitting about 10 to 12 inches below water level, w/
the fountain head just clearing the surface. This is supposed to be a 384GPH
pump, but my fountain only throws water up about 15 to 16 inches. It has a
diverter that I'm supposed to be able to use for a waterfall, but I the flow
already looks so weak, I don't think it would even be able to push a small
waterfall. Is this normal flow for a pump like this? (never had a pond or a
fountain for that matter) Do I really need a lot of flow diverted to the
waterfall to make it go (It'll probably be at most 2' above water level)?
I'd appreciate any help I could get. Thanx

My pump is the Laguna 5000 and it has plenty of power. There are
little handles to adjust the flow up and to the hose. The sponge
filters are a bunch of crap. I line the filter chamber with a net bag
from onions or flower bulbs and leave off the sponge. I'm planning on
turning down the flow to the fountain because it splashes out of the
pond.Happy water gardening.