To kill a pine tree...
I was told years ago HOT Salty water is almost undetecable.
"Bart" wrote in message
I know this will not be a popular post and I will probably get flamed all
over the place. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I've reached the
point that I just don't care anymore.
My neighbor's huge pine tree (about 70' tall or more and about 3' at the
base - right on the property line) is destroying my roof, my gutters, my
yard, my pool, and my cars - possibly even my house. I've spent hours
cleaning up the needles, the dead branches, and the cones - not to mention
the damage it has done to the cars. I'm even suspecting that the
of my house has been cracked by a root from this tree as there is a crack
the concrete floor of one room which radiates directly from that tree.
There are 2" roots all over my front yard.
The problem is that I like my neighbors and I don't want to sue them. I
don't want to threaten them in any way. I don't want to cause any unrest
between us. I just want to get rid of the damn tree.
They didn't plant the tree. We've both lived in our 30 year old houses
less than two years. So neither of us really knew what was happening when
we purchased these places. That's one reason I really don't want to come
down on them with legal action.
I've asked them politely. I've even offered to have it removed at my own
expense - but they refuse. They don't feel the destruction because the
prevailing wind blows all the stuff onto my property.
Now... with all the roots that are in my yard, it seems I should be able
drill a hole in some of them, apply an herbicide, and legally kill the
without them knowing I did it. Are there any recommendations?