Winterizing Gas Lawnmower?
I use a brand called STABIL and it has worked for the last ten years. I also
agree withthe advice of changing the oil in the spring. I always do this
before I mow for the first time.
Andrew Perl in Kansas City
"KEVIN M QUINLEY" wrote in message
Where would you buy "fuel stabilizer"? I've never seen such a thing.
a Home Depot have something like that? Thanks!
"Ken Shelton" wrote in message
Put some fuel stabilizer in the fuel and run engine a few minutes.
Leave Oil in the engine then change at the beginning of the season, if
change the oil now condensation may set in anyway over the winter and
be changed in the spring.
Ken Shelton
"Brigitte J." wrote in message
I have 2 gas lawnmowers, and I have no idea what I need to do to them,
that they will operate properly in the spring when I'll need them
Should I drain the gasoline? Put in an additive? What about the oil?
it need to be drained? Any suggestion/advise are greatly appreciated.
Brigitte J.