English bluebells
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04-05-2003, 05:44 PM
Hussein M.
Posts: n/a
English bluebells
On Sat, 3 May 2003 09:41:46 +0000 (UTC),
(jane) wrote:
~ They do mail order and H. non-scripta are1.50 a throw.
I know, I can't afford to buy as many as I would need to make a nice
display. The two lame pots I have cost me £6 and after 4 years I've got one
pathetic flower stem.
I too am seriously into replacing some of the H. hispanica which are
fairly rampant in the garden here with non-scripta, so I will have to
buy four or five plants to get them going. There must be a bluebell
expert in urg somewhere.
I think light is probably quite important - dappled rather than part
shade and perhaps they are more than usually fussy about the pH
produced by the leaf litter.
I think I will keep them in a large pot/tub (big enough to support a
worm or two) and move it around until it seems I have found a spot
which suits them best. I don't think I'll feed them (no chemical feeds
here anyway).
Good luck
Grow a little garden
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