Earth is affected by Venus, NASA is affected by GUTH Venus
Michael R. Grabois ... change $ to "s"
wrote in message ...
On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 22:18:28 -0000, "Jim Webster"
Brad Guth wrote in message
. com...
OZ, I have another few questions, like wxactly where is Venus?
just down Crellin Street, past the chippie.
Take a right at the light, keep going straight until night, and then
boy you're
on your own.
peter pan was a least in the same mental sphere as humanity, you've
broken through the event horizon and are acclerating away at
relativistic speeds. If you look back over your shoulder you might just
be able to spot reality.
Jim Webster
"The pasture of stupidity is unwholesome to mankind"
'Abd-ar-Rahman b. Muhammad b. Khaldun al-Hadrami'