OZ, I have another few questions, like wxactly where is Venus?
Don't bother taking any of this as absolute fact, however, just
because I'm no astronomer and thereby I'm not pretending as being "all
knowing", plus the fact that I do not understand certain fundamental
laws of physics as well as (unlike yourself) I do make mistakes,
that's not at all the same thing as being more right then not and, as
such being systematically rejected on the pathetic basis of syntax
and/or omissions which others have intentionally failed to provide, as
that would be exactly like knowingly allowing your doctor to amputate
the wrong cancerous leg, then complaining (likely suing his socks off
for millions) that before as well as after the fact you knew more then
the doctor and did nothing wrong, yet that's exactly how NASA and
their hordes of Borg followers have been acting, as against the "GUTH
Venus" discoveries. I been calling it "spin" and "damage control",
however folks and sucker taxpayers, perhaps that's needs to be revised
as to SIMBAD (Self Inflicted Mutilation Behaviour Associated
Regarding gravitational influences:
If that 0.0000051:1 gravitational pull (I've been informed as being a
ratio of what our moon applies) is like anything associated with
impulse power, as that which is calculated with a measured time frame
of perhaps per second, in other words, if that 0.0000051 influence is
being offered per each and every second and, if we have all of 2 weeks
worth as to accumulate upon such; that's 1.2096^6 x 0.0000051 or
6.17:1 and, obviously that's only if those two weeks were
unrealistically compressed down to just one of those seconds.
I'm thinking (which hurts), that because Venus is not anything like
our moon, it's not zipping about but rather focused in one direction
and as such, if that accumulated gravity pull was to be calculated
upon using minutes instead of per second, that's 60 X 0.0000051 or
0.0003:1 or roughly 0.03% and, hourly that's becoming an impressive
0.01836:1 or 1.836% as potentially applied. Even at the 1.8% of per
lunar pull per hour, that's still a fairly great amount of influence,
especially if that's in addition to the moon as well as going along
with everything towards the sun (like November 4th and 5th), where
that's a 24 hour 44% which is certainly quite another impulse value
So, and mostly because I'm still on that nifty "need to know" basis,
at this point I'm still entirely uncertain as to the accumulated
affect; if we are talking about a gravitational force per second, per
minute, per hour or per day. Obviously the length of such
gravitational exposure time (hours, days or weeks) from such a
gravitational influence is (unlike what my opposition stipulates)
entirely relevant, even somewhat more so if and when that force is
being added in conjunction with the sun as well as that of our moon,
and as such, seems something should give, as otherwise there's perhaps
things terribly wrong with the very existence of our solar system
and/or why otherwise is our core so freaking active as well as mobile
in terms of affecting platetonics in action.
Without Earth's rotation interacting with the sun, then of the moon
and perhaps Venus, Earth would obviously be quite thoroughly dead
(dull as hell, cold too), little or no weather and probably no molten
core neither and of one solid crust with perhaps big slabs of thick
ice nearly everywhere. As it seems to take those active gravity
associated issues in motion in order to keep things sufficiently mixed
up and thereby unfrozen and hot (obviously, as this village idiot sees
it, the more aggravation the more heat, above as well as below
I presume that nothing is ever pushing anything apart, other then of
nuclear and/or certain magnetic considerations, as such I believe
Venus has little of either to go around, so it's essentially back into
gravity and of the relative position/location of that gravity in
relationship to Earth and, obviously of the time spent or applied as
in any sort of solar/lunar alignment that's worth considering.
Obviously outside the two month proximity of Venus (only two of those
weeks being worth much of anything), there's little influence from
Venus, sort of like how little influence Pluto has upon the other
planets, since it spends so much of it's meager time exposure too far
away and seldom if ever applying it's minimal gravity influence in
addition to the sun and, that's perhaps restricted to Neptune at best.
http://guthvenus.tripod.com and
Ragards, Brad Guth / IEIS "GUTH Venus" (alt.
btw OZ; at least my one brain cell is not responsible for the carnage
and dastardly deeds of NASA/NSA/DoD agendas. How about yourself?
Oz wrote in message ...
Jonathan Silverlight writes
Brad has just one iron in the fire.
and one cell in his brain ....