In further jest, in deed I do, as well as often apply satire and, I'm
not even all that good at it. Sort of like NASA's jesting and satire
on all of that lunar stuff except, they're darn good at it. Just like
recently NASA's moles have delivered onto their following of
worshipers that Earth (besides being flat and only American) is
entirely unaffected by other gravity such as Venus, even when it's
lingering at 0.27 AU and even more so when it's in further alignment
with our moon as well as the sun.
As for being the village idiot, thereby not an astronomer (Hell, I
don't even know which way is up), I always thought that our moon
affected or at least had an influence upon Earth's weather, tides and
even did a number on various tectonic issues. Seems I recall that
aligning especially large gravitational pulls is a definite no-no
unless you actually wanted greater tides and such as Earth's core and
platetonics being manipulated. Seems that of something that's roughly
100 times the mass of our moon and, as such being situated (unlike our
moon) for weeks in nearly one accumulative specific direction of pull,
that was also aligned with the sun, that this would have offered some
influence, especially when all 4 bodies were in alignment.
Seems that gravitional pull is also associated with time, as our moon
spends so very little time pulling in any one direction (damn thing
keeps going round and round you know) however, Venus was doing it's
near miss thing for a good two weeks worth and, worse yet was the fact
that again unlike our moon, that Venus gravity thing was in sufficient
alignment with that other big gravity thing called the sun.
Good thing I was entirely dead wrong about all that gravity stuff and
to think, I can thank all those NASA moles for setting me straight.
Good thing Venus has never affected Earth (having always been a non
issue) as otherwise, I would have thought those dates of inclusion
were somewhat coinciding with extra bad weather disturbances, extra
extreme tides and of overly active tectonics were some how related to
gravitational pull issues, especially when sufficiently aligned and
sufficiently close to matter but, as according to God, that has not
been the case and NASA can damn well prove it, almost as good as they
can prove we've walked on the moon, almost as good as they can prove
they don't cloak for NSA/DoD agendas, almost as good as making
hundreds of expertise witnesses that saw a small missile taking out
flight 800 into liars and mentally incompetent fools (Boeing and of
all other aero engineers must be the really stupid and incompetent
fools because, they've tried absolutely everything [short of a
dynamite stick] and still can't make a center fuel tank explode, let
alone into small [unrecoverable] fragments because, that damn tank was
not only big but apparently constructed better then the airplane
itself), then how about almost as good as the Israeli can prove those
thousands of 6-Day war prisoners simply vanished on their own after
they had been released with wine and box lunches into the desert and,
just because the USS LIBERTY happened to be orchestrating on behalf of
Israel (utilizing just about every NASA/NSA/DoD space reconnaissance,
guidance and eavesdropping possible) and subsequently recording such
military wonders, apparently that same illusion of those nice Israeli
folks taking out the USS LIBERTY was simply an unfortunate turn of
events that mistakenly led to the 9/11 "tit for tat". After all, it
was certainly also a good move and a good thing we trained and armed
those Taliban as for doing our cold-war thing against those nasty USSR
folks, as those USSR devils were trying to oust such bad assed sorts
out of Afghanistan (how dare they do that, interfere with our street
drug production and illegal global drug trade).
Boy, am I glad that our NASA and their crack crews of moles are on top
of things, that is whenever there not on top of each other, as in
doing the nasty. As without their divine guidance, I might actually
have thought gravity was a consideration, but now I know because God
has spoken.
Regards, Brad Guth / IEIS