Xref: alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian:71434 talk.politics.animals:203901 sci.agricultu57880
Lotus wrote:
"Jonathan Ball" wrote in message ...
Lotus wrote:
"Jonathan Ball" wrote in message ...
Lotus wrote:
"Jonathan Ball" wrote in message ...
Jim Webster wrote:
Jonathan Ball wrote in message
trying to pull his scorched balls out of the fire.
Reread ~~weed's~~ claim:
I can't find a SINGLE reference to the use of
mineralised FEED blocks in the UK.
This was my 'infamous' search;
See for yourselves- 45 irrelevant hits, afaics, - either
mineral/salt licks/blocks, or mineralised barley.
I did a search, and found a relevant link on the first
try. You are a blind idiot: you weren't really looking.
Show us a link to 'mineralised FEED blocks' in the UK then.
I already did, you stupid blind ****:
Crystalyx : A range of high energy, mineralised
supplementary feed licks for cattle, sheep and deer
in easy to handle 16.6kg boxes and 80kg tubs.
Nope, still don't see the words 'mineralised feed block',
and Jim had laughed when I said 'mineralised blocks'
were the same as 'salt licks', and he then added 'feed'
into the equation, hence my search SPECIFICALLY for
'mineralised FEED blocks', you stupid blind asshole.
A block and a lick are the same thing, you stupid blind
dishonest ****.
A "lick" and a "block" are the same thing, you ignorant
I know that, you foul-mouthed psycho-scum.
No, you don't, you stupid asshole, or else you wouldnt
still be bleating about a distinction between a
minerlized feed block and a mineralized feed lick.
They are synonymous.
You don't even know what we were speaking of, dumbass.
I caught you in a LIE, ~~SHITweed~~.
NO you did not, LIAR filth.
I caught you in a lie, ~~SHITWEED~~.
It doesn't matter
what you were "speaking of"; your speaking was a lie.
No. Reread my claim: "I can't find a SINGLE reference
to the use of mineralised FEED blocks in the UK".
And I found one. It used the word "lick" instead of
"block", but they are the same thing. I found a
reference to mineralized feed licks/blocks. You
couldn't find it because you are blind and dishonest,
and you are TOO ****ING STUPID to realize you've been
provided with the reference.
The fact you were too STUPID and BLIND to find it does
not mean the reference doesn't exist.