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  #13   Report Post  
Old 23-01-2003, 11:01 PM
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Default Blueberries in a pot

Mine is doing well with lots of sun. The best pollinators seem to be
bumblebees. To plant blue berries in my alkaline clay soil, I dug a
4' diametre hole about 2' deep and filled with peat moss. Don't plant
it in peat right away. Peat takes time to thoroughly moisten and will
settle over time. I've also top dressed with worm compost and
Starbuck's used coffee (ask any Starbucks if they'll give you their

Oh Oh I'm in trouble. Got plenty of pots, but when I bought the plant
the tag was missing. You wrote another cultivar. I take it that means
a different cultivar than I have. Hopefully the nursery will take it
back, especially since I'll be replacing it with two more. How shady
is shaded? I thought you could grow these things in full sun. Can
you tell I'm a fruit and vegetable-challenged gardener?
