Mad Cow Disease / Mad Deer Disease
"Jim Webster" wrote in message ...
Lotus wrote in message
"Jim Webster" wrote in message
Lotus wrote in message
"Jim Webster" wrote in message
Lotus wrote in message
"Jim Webster" wrote in message
'British dairying'? lol, no vested interest there..
yes, in the way that Purdy, a dairy farmer, has a vested interst. Like
they are the ones who were actually trying to find out what was going on
Some dairy farmers certainly,
picking and choosing again.
How many other dairy farmers have conducted research?
as many who got the same funding as Purdy did.
Not all dairy farmers then.
hardly surprising given the costs of the research. You have to know the
right people to get that sort of money and Purdy does.
-Some- dairy farmers were actually trying to find out what
was going on then. Some, like we see from the rampant denial
coming from uba, just poo-pood the risk and hoped for the best.
but from what does 'British
Dairying' get a substantial part of it's income .. ?
I lay odds it will get nothing from the UK government.
No, but plenty and then some from those implicated.
like the UK government, who gave the instructions.
Like the ag'chem' companies.
please explain how ag chem companies can be blamed when the UK
government passed a law which said which products had to be used.
The government made the pouring of a highly potent neurotoxin
the length of an animal's spine compulsary upon reassurance from
the ag'chem's that it was safe to do so?
of these products were manufactured in the Irish republic.
So what? Those companies are trans-national.