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Old 29-04-2003, 08:32 AM
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Default HELP..Invaded by Neighbor's Bamboo

"Contractor Resource" wrote in message
My next door neighbor's bamboo "forest" is invading my yard!! Any
suggestions on how I can prevent (or at least manage) the problem?

If this is in a grassy area, you can mow the new shoots down as they
come in. They are soft and can be easily cut down. If it isn't you
can go out with shears and just nip them off as close to the ground as
you can get. They generally only shoot once a year in the spring
time. Occasionally you get secondary shoots later in the summer.

You can also visit your neighbor and discuss the ways that you will
allow him/her to install a barrier so you don't HAVE to enjoy their
bamboo so up close and personal :-/

To install a barrier, dig a ditch at least 30" deep along the length
of your shared property line and place a 30-60 mil rhizome barrier
leaving about 4 inches above ground. Put the dirt back in and kill
any new shoots that pop up. If you keep this up, you will cause the
surviving rhizomes to exaust their energy.

If it is a desireable bamboo, you might be able to get people to come
take it from you :-)

I would talk to the neighbor first, ask them to fix it. If they say
no, ask again, and then if still no, threaten with legal action. I
have some very aggressive running bamboo's in my yard, safely behind
barriers, I'm sorry your neighbor isn't very thoughtful with their

Here is the ABS party line-

Good luck!
