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Old 27-04-2003, 08:32 PM
Chris Hogg
Posts: n/a
Default Aphids (I think)

On Sun, 27 Apr 2003 16:27:25 +0100, "Charlie"

I think I've found aphids on the bottom of my mint leaves. There are lots
of little green bugs and foam like stuff on a few leaves. How do I get rid
of them? I'd prefer natural / free / cheap ways, but will use chemicals if
I have to, although I'm not sure if this would be harmful on herbs that I
eat! Please someone help me!


Sounds like you may have both greenfly and cuckoo-spit (aka
frog-hoppers when mature). Apparently you can use a soft soap solution
to kill the greenfly (someone please give both Charlie and myself a
recipe i.e. how much of what soap in how much water: the only time
I've tried it I used dilute washing-up liquid and all the leaves
shriveled :-( ) As for the cuckoo-spit, use your fingers/nails and
squash the little yellow-green sap-sucker that lives in the middle of
the blob of froth.


E-mail: christopher[dot]hogg[at]virgin[dot]net