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Old 27-04-2003, 07:45 PM
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Default Aphids (I think)

"Charlie" wrote in message ...
I think I've found aphids on the bottom of my mint leaves. There are lots
of little green bugs and foam like stuff on a few leaves. How do I get rid
of them? I'd prefer natural / free / cheap ways, but will use chemicals if
I have to, although I'm not sure if this would be harmful on herbs that I
eat! Please someone help me!

Froghopper larvae ('Cuckoo spit') Not particularly damaging on outdoor crops - hardly ever seen indoors. Squash 'em wash
'em off, spray with one of the soapy insecticides or ignore them - whatever you prefer it's no big deal. Certainly not
worth resorting to heavy duty pesticides. The pupae in Mike's lower photo are of some kind of moth most likely one of
the noctuids like 'Angle Shades' moth. Caterpillars hide in the soil near the base of plants in daytime and feed on the
plants at night. Not really a problem on outdoor crops - can be serious under glass. Hand picking or bacillus
thuringiensis spray (biological control) according to taste. The bacillus shouldn't be used indiscriminately outdoors
because it is harmful to all butterflies and moths.
