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Old 27-04-2003, 05:33 PM
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Default [IBC] Phoenix Graft Question


Buttonwood and juniper are two very different species. Both have been used
for phoenix grafts. Generally the keys for selecting a base stock for a
phoenix graft are an interesting structure and fairly hard wood that will
last a long time. Both buttonwood and juniper meet these criteria. Maples,
pines, and other trees with softer wood are not often used because the wood
decays fairly quickly under most conditions of bonsai culture - very
aggressive preservation will make them last longer. I am sure folks with
experience doing phoenix grafts with buttonwood or species other than
juniper will have more to add.


-----Original Message-----
From: Internet Bonsai Club ] On Behalf Of
randi sharp
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: [IBC] Phoenix Graft Question

I understand that the 'base' of a Phoenix Graft is 'typically' buttonwood
juniper. Is this material selected based on the ability of the material to
absorb Lime Sulpher? In other words are these materials 'softer' than those
of other materials and therefore the Lime Sulphur is absorbed inot the wood
versus merely painted on as a wash?

Randi Sharp

Richmond, VA

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