Conifer aphid massive infestation
I've tried that in the past but always found that lots of aphids either
survive or climb back on afterwards - is there a recommended product for
In article , bnd777
You could try a heavy drenching with soapy water
"Rick McGreal" wrote in message
Lynda Thornton wrote in
Sombody suggested planting some lavender near roses to help keep the
aphid/greenfly down...
Woudl this work here?
Well there is a huge lavender hedge just 6 feet away so that obviously
hasn't done a thing!
I planted a lavender plant just in fron of my roses....And they are still
It's also too early in the year for the lavender to be doing much yet
anyway and the aphids are in their millions already by the look of it -
I think its the smell they don't like.....
So the plant would need to be quite nearby....
every branch is dark grey almost all the way along from the combination
of grey aphids and sooty mould on the honeydew, it's absolutely
disgusting to look at and something drastic needs to be done fast or I
can see the tree just dying from such a huge attack.
My grans 'Bible' that she lent me suggests spraying with Malathion or
nicotine....Does anyone smoke?
Other than that using a systemic insecticide
Lynda Thornton