Thread: musa ensete
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Old 26-04-2003, 02:30 PM
P van Rijckevorsel
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Default musa ensete

From: "P van Rijckevorsel"
Actually I did not think it was that good since it suffers from a logical

flaw. The only people who will be badly effected by having a bonsai thrown
at them would be Japanese (aghast at the sacriledge). Since Kamikaze pilots
yelling "banzai" are also Japanese this would only be effective in a
Japanese Civil War...

Not to mention that Kamikaze pilots do not throw anything down

Sean Houtman schreef
Well, they do throw themselves down.

+ + +
On the theory that Japanese identify themselves so closely with bonzai, that
they actually think of themselves as being bonsai?