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Old 11-06-2021, 03:00 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
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Default Plant a store bought onion?

T wrote:
On 6/10/21 4:00 PM, songbird wrote:
store bought onions may not be hardy enough but
you won't know until you try. good luck.

They sure do grow perfectly in the filds five miles away!

they may grow during the warm season ok, but the
real test is if they'll survive through a winter
without too much fuss and bother. some varieties
are more cold hardy than others.

if you're prepared to baby them (lift them after
they've bulbed and died back) and store them properly
you can increase the varieties you grow and some may
be worth it, but i tend to not do things like that
much. beans, peas and garlic are plenty enough and
the garlic i only lift and store because we want to
have it through the winter and next spring. right
now i have some green garlic i need to dig up so
we can eat it.

I think the farmers won't put up with the ...
