Thread: Jostaberry
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Old 10-06-2021, 04:24 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jenny M Benson Jenny M Benson is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2018
Posts: 31
Default Jostaberry

On 09/06/2021 13:41, Martin Brown wrote:
On 07/06/2021 13:36, Jenny M Benson wrote:
I have 2 Jostaberries: one planted in the garden about 4 years ago and
one planted in a large tub about 3 years ago.Â* The one in the garden
looks very healthy - average height about 4' - 5', spread about 6',
with lots of young growth and leaves but very little fruit.Â* The one
in the sub looks very different - tall and rangy, not bushy, but
carrying a lot more fruit.

What should I do (and when) to encourage the garden one to produce
more fruit?

They seem to be quite tetchy about fruiting and need to feel a bit
threatened. I grow mine in a sunny position in not very good soil.

Soil too rich will be lots of vegetative growth. My problem is more that
birds will kill for them so if not netted they go before almost anything
else apart from the blueberries. A friend I gave a rooted cutting to got
nothing but green growth - I expect because their soil was too fertile.

Thanks, Martin. I would have said that the garden soil was very poor,
but I will avoid enriching it in any way and see if the Josta does
better next year. Or it will have to go. I'll tell it that - it might
help! Good to be warned about the birds, too.

Jenny M Benson
Wrexham, UK