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Old 09-06-2021, 10:00 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default Plant a store bought onion?

T wrote:
By any chance would green onions and yellow onions
cross pollinate each other? Should I separate them
away from each other if collecting seeds?

of course! but you may not know what the results
will be until you grow them out.

i don't mind, we've got many different kinds of
alliums here and i'm happy if they do cross and
something comes of it that will survive and give us
food in return.

to me that is the whole reason i planted a bunch
of seeds last late summer to see what would survive
the winter. my onion rows from those are doing ok
some are starting to bulb now so those are going to
be food. only one looks to be flowering. not
enough seeds from those. oh well, it may be fun
next year after i leave some of these to grow and
survive the winter. if they don't then they're not
a good onion for us to continue growing.

in past years i've had many thousands of onion
seeds. so many that i buried them pretty deeply as
i could not plant them all and didn't want them to
