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Old 03-06-2021, 04:40 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Bob F Bob F is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 762
Default Blackberry prune questin

On 6/3/2021 4:10 AM, songbird wrote:
T wrote:
Big seeds like regular blackberries and raspberries
or little, unnoticeable seeds like Arapaho Blackberries?


They grow in zone 3-7 so idea for me. And since they
are wild, they will not have been hybridized for
unnatural levels of carbs. Double idea.

you missed my comment about them being cloyingly sweet.

i doubt they will be happy in an arid environment.
they're normally found in woodlands. the can tolerate
full sun, but i don't know that they'd tolerate full
arid sun and high temperature days.

The ones I find (wild) seem to have a pretty short season as far as
harvesting of fruit. They almost always seem to be in small open areas
in the woods.