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Old 01-06-2021, 12:41 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
The Natural Philosopher[_2_] The Natural Philosopher[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2009
Posts: 186
Default Stopping Reeds growing through Grass

On 31/05/2021 19:33, #Paul wrote:
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
I prefer to look at what happens in my actual garden.

How closely do you look, though? Regular, sensitive soil
tests for chemical contaminants? Careful hecks on biological
activity and health? There are probably quite a lot of
problems that might be missed by an everyday "does the
garden look nice?" visual check.


Having had many plants actually destroyed by contaminated 'organic'
horse manure that we were 'given' and having had a soil inspector in to
confirm it, I can assure you that NOTHING matches that, by way of
glyphosate or weed and feed, or indeed back in the day sodium chlorate
and or kerosene spills...

Some of us look to the real world for our data, others read it in books
and off websites.

There are people who prefer to believe the met office when it tells them
what temperatures are, rather than a thermometers

"There are probably quite a lot of problems that might be missed by an
everyday "does the garden look nice?" visual check."

What ********!

'probably' 'quite a lot' 'might' 'contaminants' 'sensitive' - this the
the language of propaganda!

And if the garden looks nice, that is in fact what its purpose is!

I don't care if there are giant mutant ninja toadstools, decaying
nuclear piles and an unexploded WWI bomb under every square meter of it,
as long as they stay there.

Truth welcomes investigation because truth knows investigation will lead
to converts. It is deception that uses all the other techniques.