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Old 31-05-2021, 01:16 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default Stopping Reeds growing through Grass

In article ,
The Natural Philosopher wrote:

Also, 'weed and feed' renders the grass cuttings toxic, so they can't
even be composted safely at home and, what's more, has essentially no
effect on some lawn weeds, like lesser bindweed and bluebells.

well i let the grass cuttings mulch into the lawn, so that no big deal
anyway ;-)

Its again a disputed matter as to how long any given herbicide hangs
around.My path clearing ones certainly dont outlast a winter
And my weed and feed needs to be regularly applied too.

Only among non-scientists. The fact that they cease to be effective
against their intended target does NOT mean that they aren't still
highly toxic to other organisms.

And have used weed and feed right up to the edge of my pond.

As far as glyphosate goes, it is only poisonous on foliage, not on root
systems, and its presence or not in hydrosystems while a great red rag
to the nuttier ecoloons, is not actually demonstrated to be a huge problem

You should look at the actual data. It's a serious problem, though not
as bad as that caused by some other chemicals.

Nick Maclaren.