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Old 21-05-2021, 04:06 AM posted to,alt.consumers.pest-control,rec.gardens
rbowman rbowman is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2014
Posts: 4
Default Flour & cement powder rat poison - queries

On 05/20/2021 02:53 PM, Tekkie� wrote:

On Wed, 19 May 2021 19:47:01 -0600, rbowman posted for all of us to digest...

On 05/19/2021 07:45 AM, GearGirl81 wrote:
Wow could you possibly be more ignorant?! Cats have this little thing
they do, ya might of heard of it before, it's called "instinct"... Where
do you believe that comes from??? Humans did not create cats either,
however humans were the ones to forcibly domesticate them. I've never
once come across one of the creatures on the "right side" of any door.
Most do prefer to be outside fyi, regardless of what your preferences are.

Cat seems happy sitting on my lap getting petted but it's chilly and
rainy outside. If he gets the urge to go out he know enough to scratch
on the door. I didn't exactly domesticate him either. He was pretty
feral when I put some food out for other cats but soon decided regular
meals were a good thing and became territorial.

Cats are cats. Mine likes regular food, litter box, pets, etc. She trained me,
not the other way around. Rescue cat. Must be a PETA poster.

This one isn't big on pets. There are a couple of other cats that he
will tolerate eating from his bowl but mostly any cat that wanders in
the yard is in for an ass-kicking. A friendly tabby was rubbing my legs
when I was getting in the car yesterday so I put some Friskies in a dish
for her at the end of the driveway. No go. He left his full bowl to run
her off.