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Old 19-05-2021, 03:45 PM posted to,alt.consumers.pest-control,rec.gardens
GearGirl81 GearGirl81 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2021
Posts: 1
Default Flour & cement powder rat poison - queries

Wow could you possibly be more ignorant?! Cats have this little thing they do, ya might of heard of it before, it's called "instinct"... Where do you believe that comes from??? Humans did not create cats either, however humans were the ones to forcibly domesticate them. I've never once come across one of the creatures on the "right side" of any door. Most do prefer to be outside fyi, regardless of what your preferences are. Let me guess, you're probably one of those vegan activists who've also went against what's scientifically proven to be best for proper feline health, only feeding the poor malnourished thing to eat only salads... People like you should have to take a full course in how to properly and HUMANLY car for any/all pets.

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