Roadside apple trees - self seeded or planted?
On 14/05/2021 15:31, David wrote:
Some of the road sides out in the country here have very pretty apple
trees mixed in with the other trees and bushes.
Others do not.
There is no obvious pattern.
The choice seems to be self seeded from discarded apple cores, or
deliberately planted by some thoughtful person or persons.
I was favouring the apple core theory, but it then occurred to me that I
cannot recall seeing a single apple tree grown from the many years of
rotting apples left behind as windfalls in various gardens.
What does the team think?
Discarded apples or deliberately planted?
Some varieties will self seed - crabs especially.
Nice blossom, poor fruit.
Same with plums - I have wild mirabelle and bullace here as well as
Dave R
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