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Old 10-05-2021, 05:06 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Bloke Down The Pub Bloke Down The Pub is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2009
Posts: 120
Default Just 1 Galahad Tomato

"songbird" wrote in message
Dave wrote:
Is it ok to grow just one plant? Some plants don't seem to grow well
unless there are two of them. Also, will this grow well in a 15-gallon
bucket (~2.25 sq. ft, 18" deep)? Not a lot of room left in the garden,
so looking to do a Galahad tomato in a 15-gallon container.

might be a bit small of a container for a larger variety.
so you'll need to be sure to keep it properly watered.

tomatoes are self-fertile, if they don't seem to be setting
many fruits you can ding the flowers with your finger or shake
the plant once in a while. also, if it gets too hot out you
can also drench the plant to cool it off (which may increase
disease pressure but if it is a choice between a crop and no
crop i'll take the disease too as often by the time the plant
is seriously affected the crop is mostly done anyways).


The BBC suggests 25 to 30 litres volume for growing in a "grow bag" equates
to about 2 plants per bag.
Your 15 gallon bucket would easily do if google's conversions are true
