Collecting immature seeds
On 5/1/2021 2:57 PM, bob prohaska wrote:
Frank "frank wrote:
[regarding common vetch]
I tried it as a ground cover for my slopes in the back yard years ago
when it was widely used along roads in neighboring PA. Stared growing
nicely but disappeared. Turned out the deer loved it.
The only herbivores in my yard are fox squirrels. Whether they'll
be a problem with vetch is unclear, but they're becoming destructive
to pecan catkins.
Apart from lack of persistence did you observe any objectionable
features of the vetch?
Thanks for writing!
bob prohaska
It had been quite a while but it was growing nicely. Cannot remember
how I planted it. I had same experience with ivy which deer would eat
in winter. I had a lot of both on my banks and not a trace now and have
of late been fighting Japanese stilt grass and sticky weed.
There is also shade to consider. Deer do not eat pachysandra but it
appears to like shade and I do not see it in sunny areas.