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Old 27-04-2021, 03:53 AM posted to rec.gardens
bob prohaska bob prohaska is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2016
Posts: 28
Default Collecting immature seeds

David E. Ross wrote:
On 4/25/2021 7:25 PM, bob prohaska wrote [in part]:


Granted, if I pick just the pod too early there's no hope. I was wondering
if taking a substantial cutting and keeping it hydrated to some extent
might promote at least partial maturation.


That might work with a perennial or woody plant. It almost never works
with annuals. The only annual I ever saw as an exception was a
marigold. One summer, I grew some tall merigolds and made a bouquet of
them for my wife. After a week, I went to change the water in the vase
and discovered the stems had put out roots into the water. The bouquet
lasted several weeks.

Well, that proves it's possible. I'll grab a bunch and try to keep
it moist on the way home, then stick the stems in water. I don't
really expect roots, a little more development of the pods would be
helpful. If not, it was cheap entertainment...

Thanks for writing!

bob prohaska