Collecting immature seeds
On 4/25/2021 7:25 PM, bob prohaska wrote [in part]:
Granted, if I pick just the pod too early there's no hope. I was wondering
if taking a substantial cutting and keeping it hydrated to some extent
might promote at least partial maturation.
That might work with a perennial or woody plant. It almost never works
with annuals. The only annual I ever saw as an exception was a
marigold. One summer, I grew some tall merigolds and made a bouquet of
them for my wife. After a week, I went to change the water in the vase
and discovered the stems had put out roots into the water. The bouquet
lasted several weeks.
David E. Ross
News item: "Conservative U.S. House Republicans to
form 'America First' caucus"
During the 1930s, America First was a pro-Nazi political movement.