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Old 24-04-2021, 01:47 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default ping songbird: how may pepper seeds?

T wrote:
On 4/23/21 9:03 PM, Bloke Down The Pub wrote:
"T" wrote in message ...
On 4/17/21 7:25 AM, songbird wrote:
T wrote:
On 4/15/21 4:45 PM, songbird wrote:
start them early in pots indoors

How many seeds per pot?

3-4, how many plants you want?

warm soil temperature is really important for peppers 80-85F.


I have the seeds. You gave me beautiful instructions on
how to harvest them.

I am well aware that they may fail because of the cold.
If I wait too long, earwigs will eat the sprouts.

I would try them indoors, but my wife is allergic
to soil (mold allergy). Worst come to worst, I
will have to buy them from Bonnie from Wally World.

You could still plant them in pots outside, chose a sheltered position and
use 2 litre soft drinks bottles with the bottoms cut off as mini green
houses. Obviously use pots that will fit inside the bottles which will
protect the soil as well as the plants.


Thank you!

Do they protect against the freeze?

Do you need t open them up in the day to let
new air in and respiration out?

i don't recommend this sort of thing for someone who's not
around frequenly enough to keep track of conditions.

you can fry, freeze or dry out a plant too easily left out,
it's much better to do things in a more controlled area until
the weather outside gets at least warm enough to make sure
you're not freezing the plants and you have enough roots in
the ground to provide a moisture buffer for drying out and also
the thermal mass which keeps things at least a bit more stable.

a plant in a pot with a cover over it, you can do that for
some plants, in dappled light and under trees and such, but
once there is direct light that can get way too hot too quickly.

i just know that some people are not that attentive and can
forget to water or check on things so ... imo better to be
safer than to lose plants.

one problem i can have with some planted things in pots here
are raccoons seeking food or smelling fertilizers and thinking
they're food. some potting mixes have long-release fertilizers
included and often that is made with fish emulsions or other
stuff that smells too much like food to a raccoon.
