a few pics from the other day
Frank wrote:
Looks about like the garlic my wife planted last fall and I asked about.
I pulled one and there was no clove yet so it may take a few months
more. Sort of surprised it was not winter killed.
no, they won't get a bulb this early, it takes a while to build
up roots and greenery and plus the sunshine has to be strong
enough to provide all that energy which gets stored in the bulb.
you can lift early garlic and eat it as a green garlic like
you would eat a green onion or even cook it up (the more you
cook it the more it will taste like a cooked green onion).
i don't harvest the garlic here until late June or into July
depending upon the weather.
as for being winter hardy, different types of garlic have
different tolerances. the garlic i grow here is a hardneck
garlic which has been grown here for 100yrs or more.