On 03/03/2021 09:24, Martin Brown wrote:
On 01/03/2021 08:10, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
On 28/02/2021 21:35, Another John wrote:
Â* And we'll be looking with extra vigilance for
the creepers (nettles etc that you mention), which did indeed get away
from us last year, due to insufficient vigilance in these days of
Nettles die on mowing, so one method of control is to take scissors or
shears and simply keep cutting them down to ground level.
It is less injurious than pulling the root system up, though that
works as well.
More satisfying though. It is one of those jobs I have broken a fork
doing - snapped off two of the tines. Nettle roots are surprisingly
strong. I prefer a hit of glyphosate first when clearing rough ground.
It makes any small bits of ground elder you miss less likely to regrow.
I leave some nettles for the butterflies on the wild edges of my garden.
I wish I could get lily of the valley to be a weed. It dies on me
Find somewhere damp and in moderate shade and try again.
You know, I think I will. Tried in very dry hot part of garden but have
plenty of damp shady parts
Will it go native and spread itself OK?
"Corbyn talks about equality, justice, opportunity, health care, peace,
community, compassion, investment, security, housing...."
"What kind of person is not interested in those things?"
"Jeremy Corbyn?"