Self-germinating butternut squash
On Sun, 28 Feb 2021 16:11:29 Jeff Layman wrote:
About once a month we buy a butternut squash. We keep it for 2 - 3
weeks as we find that it is usually a a little sweeter that way.
I just opened our latest one to find that about half the seeds inside
had germinated, with sprouts up to 6 cm long! I tried one but
unfortunately it wasn't nice like a bean sprout, but somewhat bitter
(cucurbitacin?). In many years of buying squashes and melons I've never
seen this before. I suppose I could try potting up some of the seeds
and grow them on, but it's not something of interest for me.
Anyone come across this before?
No, but I bought a butternut squash in January last year, saved the
seeds and in March/April I put about twenty out on damp kitchen paper
where they all germinated very readily.
I had a good harvest and still have several squashes waiting to be
If you want to eat the seeds I find it's necessary to bake them first.
They have a nice nutty flavour.
David Rance writing from Caversham, Reading, UK