Thread: Celandines!
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Old 27-02-2021, 10:55 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_] Charlie Pridham[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
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Default Celandines!

On 26/02/2021 17:16, Another John wrote:
Any tips on getting rid of celandines? (Lesser, Ficaria verna, thank
you Wikipedia)

There's nothing nicer than seeing the first celandines giving a splash
of bright yellow here and there in early Spring, _in the right place_.

However for the last 2-3 years in our garden they have become so
proliferous that they are a real pest: right now, the sad, flat, heavy
winter-worn soil is *carpeted* with celandine plants, in every part of
the garden.

I've (even) thought of weedkiller, but that would hit all the incipient
plants that have temporarily been thrust aside by the celandines.

I've also thought of just leaving them, because they disappear without
trace [above soil] as Spring gets under way. But I'm concerned that
these uncouth little bruisers might be denaturing the soil, in their

Any words of advice, or sympathy, welcomed.

(Tynedale, Northumberland)

Had to smile, they are the bane of our lives here, my wife declares war
and weeds them out after wet weather at this time of year as the tubers
stay attached however I am then required to get rid of them by burning!
I prefer to use a small hand sprayer and glysophate. But those that
escape the onslaught do look nice.

I think the main problem is that when I see them in the local woodlands
they are cute little plants, here they are massive easily making a foot
in height and they do tend to outcompete all other small plants

Charlie Pridham
Gardening in Cornwall