Thread: Celandines!
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Old 26-02-2021, 09:16 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Another John Another John is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2010
Posts: 212
Default Celandines!

In article ,
Chris Hogg wrote:

Any tips on getting rid of celandines? (Lesser, Ficaria verna, thank
you Wikipedia)


I've also thought of just leaving them, because they disappear without
trace [above soil] as Spring gets under way. But I'm concerned that
these uncouth little bruisers might be denaturing the soil, in their


Like you said, just leave them and enjoy them, and they do disappear
quite quickly. I used to worry about them, but now I just leave them.
They won't 'denature the soil', whatever you mean by that.

Yeah sorry, I just threw in the first word that came into my head. What
I mean is that the soil is now livening up - as the temperatures rise,
the sun comes out, the animal life starts to move through it, the damp
drains away ... but a celandine is more soggy bulb than aerated root, so
thousands of them (and their leaves covering the surface), might hamper
that natural rejuvenation.

But yeah: your endorsement is very attractive Chris :-)
