On 26/02/2021 17:16, Another John wrote:
Any tips on getting rid of celandines? (Lesser, Ficaria verna, thank
you Wikipedia)
There's nothing nicer than seeing the first celandines giving a splash
of bright yellow here and there in early Spring, _in the right place_.
However for the last 2-3 years in our garden they have become so
proliferous that they are a real pest: right now, the sad, flat, heavy
winter-worn soil is *carpeted* with celandine plants, in every part of
the garden.
I've (even) thought of weedkiller, but that would hit all the incipient
plants that have temporarily been thrust aside by the celandines.
Not if you use glyphosate
That ONLY hits stuff that has green leaf on it. Anything dormant will
not be affected
"The great thing about Glasgow is that if there's a nuclear attack it'll
look exactly the same afterwards."
Billy Connolly