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Old 23-02-2021, 09:22 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jon Nicoll Jon Nicoll is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2020
Posts: 3
Default Deter Woodlice from an area?

Hi there
can anyone suggest something that would keep woodlice away from an area - not necessarily killing them?

Our wooden children's playhouse has a few clusters of the wee beasties inside. I don't mind them, know that they do good in the garden, etc, but would prefer they didn't hang around there. I can collect them up mechanically and put them in the composter but I presume others will take their place. Is there something they don't like the smell of, say (but humans don't mind) so that if applied they tend to wander off elsewhere?
