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Old 20-02-2021, 02:11 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown[_3_] Martin Brown[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2020
Posts: 49
Default Asparagus (wild?)

On 20/02/2021 13:00, Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article , TimW wrote:

Is there such a thing as wild asparagus? Will a few crowns of gardeners
asparagus seed and spread? Could I grow from seed and disperse the
seedlings more? I am not in any particular hurry. What variety?

Yes. Back before global warming caused our weather to become wetter,
it had naturalised itself in my garden, and I hunted it from the
flower beds. It was also a fairly common weed in the vegetable patch.
Any variety will naturalise, but you must have plants of both sexes.
It likes very good drainage, so a very sandy or gravelly soil is best.
It is quite decorative, too, and grows to c. 4' with thin, feathery

It doesn't naturalise in my heavy clay! It can sometimes be kept going
in raised beds for a few years but eventually succumbs to a wet winter.
I doubt I will have any surviving crowns after this cold wet winter. It
is lovely and feathery when you allow it to grow on to feed the crown.

Berries on the females are quite attractive too.

Martin Brown