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Old 17-02-2021, 03:23 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default cold now, thinking ahead for spring plantings

with plenty of snow and cold this past week i think today
was the fourth day in a row we had to shovel and the most
snowfall in a single event (about 8 inches or about 15cm).

this morning i got out there early to shovel the snow
as i had to run some errands and we were also hoping to
get the propane tank refilled.

as it turned out the propane truck went past me as i was
heading into town for the errands and the driver was said
to have been happy that we shovelled the pathway for him
to get to the tank to refill it.

the sun was very bright on the snow and we've had so
much snow that tha back yard is pretty well topped up.
this afternoon i was looking at it and could not see a
single animal track anyplace.

this evening's forecast is supposed to be down to -8F
or about -22C. that will be the coldest evening so far if
it actually turns out.

in the meantime i'm working on some indoor projects
and starting to think ahead to spring planting.

aside from the various beans i'd like to try out and
all the bean projects i have going i'm also hoping to
see if i can get some adzuki beans to grow and to cross

i want to plant more edible pod peas early to increase
the production and enjoyment. i sure liked the large
pods i had last year and hope to expand my dry pea supply
of those too for future replantings. they were good and
crunchy and grew so easy and gave plenty of seeds. that
has not been common in the past so to find one that grows
here was a great find.

as for indoor projects i've been trying to get my
photography stuff set up and going and that is coming
along, but still a ways to go. i did improve one aspect
of the whole process by getting a colorimeter and changing
some display settings which have helped actually show
more of the colors. still though i think in the next
few years i'll probably step up to a better monitor as
this one is not as good as it might be.

are you keeping warm? got any new plans for the coming

here i think mostly we'll be planting about the same
kinds of plants as before with only a few exceptions.
we've found a mix and schedule of plants that works for
us so i don't want to mess with success too much.
